Become a Chamaileon Referral Partner

Earn 25% lifetime commission after every customer you refer to us

Earn 25% as a Chamaileon referral partner.

Take advantage of what we have to offer

Become a Chamaileon referral partner and you can…

Earn Money

25% commission

You can earn up to 25% on commissions for every paying customer you refer to. Average Chamaileon customer LTV is around $4000, meaning you can earn $1000+ over time. You can also increase your commissions on sub-affiliate earnings.

Earn money with Chamaileon.

Track your Earnings

Promoter Account

Follow your click rates, referrals, and commissions through your personal dashboard. Communicate directly with our team, who will provide you with full support and assistance at every stage of our partnership.

Promote Chamaileon.

Boost Your Online Presence

Branded materials

You will have full access to our product demos, illustrations, videos, social media messages, stories, and more to help you increase your commission and attract more customers.

Boost your presence with Chamaileon.

Get Exclusive Access

Upcoming features

You’ll be the first to know. You can even get involved in product development and help us plan our next steps.

Exlcusive access to Chamaileon.

Start earning. Apply to our Referral Program today

Why Chamaileon?

Email Creation Platform for Teams

Chamaileon is a state-of-the-art email creation platform built for designers and marketers. It is adapted for agile teams and provides a unique design experience.

Join our referral program if you…

Know a friend
A colleague, or anyone who can benefit from using a cool email design tool like Chamaileon.
Have a network
Companies & businesses who can use Chamaileon to improve the look and feel of their marketing emails.
Run a website
A site or a blog with over 5000 monthly visitors could start to earn you money.
Are an influencer
You are on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, or Youtube with an audience of 2000+ members.

We assist you in every step

We provide you with all sorts of ready to use assets:

  • Ads for web and social media channels
  • Logos and other branded materials
  • Ready to use messaging
  • Product photos and illustrations
  • Testimonials
  • Videos & product demos

Easy as 1 2 3

Help your friends, colleagues, and network unlock their full email potential.

Sign up
Create an account, and sign up in our referral program.
Promote Chamaileon
Invite your audience to try out Chamaileon.
Get paid
Earn 25% recurring commission, plus a 10% commission on sub-affiliate earnings.

Recruit sub-affiliates and earn extra 10% on their revenues.

Frequently Asked Questions

    • I have questions. Where I can contact you?

      You can find the detailed Affiliate Agreement here. If you don’t find what you are looking for, we’d be happy to answer on

    • What is Chamaileon?

      Chamaileon is a drag-and-drop email builder and email content management platform, built for digital teams. It aims to help email marketers and designers create beautiful, mobile-responsive emails without having to write a single line of code.

    • What is Chamaileon's Referral Program?

      Our referral program allows you to earn commissions on every paying customer you refer us. Using a unique registration link, you will get up to 25% commission, as long as your referral remains a paying customer.

    • What's your average LTV?

      Average LTV is $4900 (February 2023). With a 25% commission, it means ~$1225 over time.

    • Do I have to pay to become a referral partner?

      Of course not. Anyone can join our referral program for free and will never be asked to pay any fees.

    • What is a sub-affiliate and how can I earn extra commission?

      When you join our referral program, you get two main links: A referral link that can use to refer customers to us and an additional link that you can use to bring other referral partners to us, who will be your “sub-affiliates”. You will get an extra 10% commission on the total of their earnings, meaning that if they earn $100, you’ll get $10 extra. If you know someone who’s active in affiliate/referral marketing, simply direct them to us and start generating extra revenue.

    • How can I track my referrals?

      We use Firstpromoter, a tool specifically built to help referral partners keep track of their clicks, referrals, and commissions. Firstpromoter is directly connected to Braintree, and it will track every purchase and subscription renewal made through your referral link.

    • How long is the cookie life?

      We use a very long 120 days of cookie life, which will secure your commissions on every referral you make.

    • What is the minimum payout?

      We have set the commission payout threshold at $100, paid via Paypal.

    • Do I need to be a Chamaileon customer to be able to join the referral program?

      You’re not required to be a Chamaileon customer to join our Referral program. However, we would love it if you use our platform, and test it for yourself.