Transforming Email Creation Since 2013

Our passion: Develop the best software-generated email HTML.

Born out of the recognition that email is the cornerstone of communication for businesses, yet creating them is a bottleneck like hell, we understood the challenges and pains that come with creating impactful email campaigns and newsletters.

We have spent years improving our email code generator algorithm to perfection. Now it's available to you, to create and send as high-quality email HTML as possible, without coding.

Evolution of Chamaileon/

Why Chamaileon?

The name, Chamaileon, reflects on the nature of emails and their creators: emails must blend into every inbox while all inboxes are a little different.

The Marketing, Copywriting, Design, and Email professionals who use this software are also wearing multiple hats or colors.

In a world where the inbox is saturated with messages (and their creators) fighting for the attention, standing out is not a luxury — it's a necessity.

This is why Chamaileon’s parent company, was founded in 2013 with a singular mission: to empower brands and marketing professionals to create captivating, flawlessly designed emails without the hassle of manual coding or other !&#$% processes.

A client asked for background optimization for Outlook. We spent 6 hours adding custom VML. If we had been able to use Chamaileon on the project, we would have sorted this out with the flip of a switch.
Marketers enabled to create stunning emails campaigns on their own.
Mark Kuykendall
Director of Data and Automation, Moon Tide Agency

Our Journey

The journey of Chamaileon began with a deep understanding of the pivotal role email plays in both B2C and B2B communication. From lead generation to customer engagement, email has remained the primary channel for nurturing relationships and driving conversions since the 1990s despite the rise and fall of other digital channels.

We recognized the evolving standards of email communication, where consistency in branding, impeccable design, and timely delivery are non-negotiable. However, we also understood the pain points faced by marketing and design teams—tedious coding processes, rendering glitches, and the challenge of maintaining brand integrity across various platforms.

We invented an email HTML generator algorithm that we maintain with month-to-month updates to be on top of bulletproof email HTML-s, incorporating all the practices, hacks, and wizardry needed to get it with all email clients nicely. This email HTML generator serves as the backbone of our other products.

Meeting the Challenges Head-On

At Chamaileon, which started in 2018, we set out to revolutionize the email creation process. Our platform is more than just a tool; it's a solution designed to streamline the email workflow. From planning and designing to testing and deployment, we provide a collaborative environment where teams can unleash their creativity without constraints.

Gone are the days of wrestling with HTML code or relying on disjointed tools and processes. With Chamaileon, brands can say goodbye to email rendering issues and hello to emails that captivate and convert.

A Platform Tailored to Brands' Needs

Whether you're a one-person marketing team or a multi-team organization, Chamaileon adapts to your workflow seamlessly. Our Agile Email Creation Workflow empowers teams to iterate quickly, accelerating time-to-market from days to hours.

For brands with a strong, distinct identity, our Brand Email Design System offers a visually editable framework that ensures consistency across all digital channels. Say goodbye to copy-pasting and hello to streamlined, efficient email creation, also landing pages.

Our Products

Chamaileon offers a suite of products tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses:

Chamaileon APP

Agile Email Creation Platform

Designed for marketing and cross-functional teams, our APP allows for the creation and design of marketing (and non-marketing) emails with ease.

Coding is replaced with visually editable modular templates that empower your team to create stunning emails in record time.

Chamaileon email builder platform

Chamaileon SDK

Embedded Modular Email Creation Plugin

For partners seeking to integrate email design and creation services into their systems, our SDK offers a seamless solution

Empower your platform with the tools needed to revolutionize email creation for your users.

Email template builder plugin sdk

Email Hero

Newsletter Creation and Management for Publishers

The ultimate tool for large-scale newsletter management, Email Hero is designed for publishing companies looking to take their emails to the next level in the digital subscription landscape.

Newsletter manager for publishers

Meet the Team

Roland from Chamaileon

Roland Pokornyik

CEO, Co-founder
Helping digital teams speed up email production by 10x. | Agile email marketing advocate | Husband & father of two wonderful girls | Triathlon newbie & wannabe Ironman.

Gyula from Chamaileon

Gyula Németh

CTO, Co-founder
One of the email enthusiasts laid out the base concepts for Modern HTML Emails.

Chamaileon in numbers

We helped 48.000 user of 29.000 team over the years to create more than 1 Million emails.

1,000+ of drag and drop email templates and blocks.
To create on-brand emails.
48.000 users
Marketers, designers, CRM folks, and their management.
1M+ responsive email generated
Works on all major email clients.
Helped more than 30.000 company
Without the enterprise-level price tag.

Badges we are proud of

We get tons of positive feedback and we pass ISO 27015 information security audit each year.

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