Email template builder for Mailgun

Our drag and drop email template builder was created for marketers looking to improve their email design. Create email templates in Chamaileon and send them with Mailgun, in a few simple clicks.

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Create mobile-responsive email design.

Design email templates & send them with Mailgun

Email Creation Heaven without hassle
    Use our built-in features to lock and protect designs, and maintain a coherent brand across multiple emails.
    Synchronize your email template with Mailgun seamlessly in one click.
  • SEND
    Log in to your Mailgun account, you’ll find your email design waiting for you.

Say goodbye to basic emails

Redefine your email design standards

Flexible & intuitive drag and drop email builder

Create any email design you have in mind with the flexible drag and drop builder. Add background images, adjust padding and margins, add as many columns as needed, and more.

Create mobile-responsive email design.

Save and reuse email modules

Design email content blocks, save them in folders and reuse them in your new designs. Cut down on repetitive tasks and roll out emails faster.

Super-fast email creation workflow.

Invite members and assign them roles

You can add your team members and collaborators to your email workspace. Assign them roles (admin, editor, viewer), and limit their access to specific folders: control what they can do and see in your workspace.

Create mobile-responsive email design.

Collaborate with your team, in real time

Design email templates with other members, at the same time. No matter where you are, work on the same email with others, and see changes being made in real-time.

Create mobile-responsive email design.

Review and approve email designs in one place

No need for long chat threads, collecting feedback from collaborators on email designs. Team members can review emails, leave comments, request changes, and approve final designs, all in one place.

Create mobile-responsive email design.

Folder structure in your image Gallery

Keep your visuals safe and stored in different folders. Share email visuals, logos, and GIFs with your team, inside Chamaileon (on our servers).

Keep your email digital assets organized in different folders and sub-folders
I love that you don’t need to be a master coder to build a beautiful email. This platform is easy to work with and easy to customize for what your needs are. As someone who builds emails for multiple clients, it’s a game-changer.
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Mallory A
Digital Marketing Consultant

Seamless integration with

Acoustic, Sendy, SendGrid, Campaign Monitor, Oracle, Salesforce...

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Book a demo to see Chamaileon in action

10x the efficiency of your email production

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30 min
Roland Profile picture
Roland Pokornyik
CEO & Co-founder @ Chamaileon