Chamaileon Pricing

Why pay 2x-4x more for Knak, Stensul, Taxi for Email, or Dyspatch?

We redefine the pricing landscape in the email design industry, offering the same — if not superior — quality and service at a fraction of the price.

How we do it?

We prioritize efficiency and pass the savings on to you.

  • Minimizing our sales and marketing costs.
  • We don't invest in building a huge sales engine, attending events, spending hundreds of thousands on pointless ads.
  • We work as a small, full-remote, international team, no office costs nor coffee-machine expenses (the only thing we miss) and no C-suite salaries.
However, we never compromise on product quality or customer success.

Let’s meet for a call.

Schedule a 30-minute consultation to ensure we meet your needs and offer the best solution at a competitive rate.

Unbeatable Value

Unrivaled Support

What you get when working with us?

Chamaileon features
  • Premium Features, Affordable Rates
    Enjoy the industry-leading features and capabilities offered by our competitors, but without the hefty price tag. Chamaileon ensures you get the best value for your investment.
  • Customized Onboarding
    Benefit from our personalized onboarding service at no extra cost, including email design system setup, email template migration service and live training with recording for your marketing team (60-90 minutes).
  • 24/7/365 Chat Support
    Access our dedicated support team around the clock, at no extra cost. We provide assistance whenever you need it.
  • Regular Check-in Calls
    Stay connected with our team through regular check-in calls, offering ongoing support without any additional fees.
eurocert ISO badge

Our company is ISO 27001 certified.

GDPR EU flag

Chamaileon is a GDPR compliant platform.

Real Results, Real Testimonials

Success stories from organizations just like yours.

chamaileon case study non-profit

How non-profit charity:water improved CTR by 48%

Melanie Helgeson, Product Design Manager speaks about email design / email production choices that helps in raising more funds.

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chamaileon case study SaaS community

Learn how Kununu increased their email-driven website traffic

CRM Manager Fabia Vasquez Calderon speaks about the improvements to their email creation process with Chamaileon

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chamaileon case study healthcare provider

See how Virta Health saves time to spend more time with their patients

Email Marketing Manager Camille Ruvalcaba tells how incredibly less time She spends working on emails with Chamaileon.

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chamaileon case study ecommerce cashback app

Learn how Shopmium turned efficiency into KPI-s like CTR%

CRM Manager Georgina Miles talks about how Shopmium uses a more efficient email creation process to A/B test and turns that into optimized open and click-through rates.

Learn more →

Enterprise Features

Affordable Price

Features & unlimitations (compared to the competition)

Chamaileon features
  • Real-time design collaboration
    Edit email designs together, simultaneously.
  • Seamless review/approval process
    One platform serving as the single source of truth for email creation.
  • Consistent branding across all your emails
    Brand standards and reusable assets library accessible for all.
  • Integrated with your stack
    Connected to and synced with your ESP, CRM, MAP, etc. platforms.
  • Role-based access control
    Limit access if needed to ensure emails always stay on-brand.
  • Responsive email code & flawless email rendering
    Best software generated email code in the industry guaranteed.
  • Unlimited email code/pdf export
    Also, unlimited test emails to any email addresses.
  • Email template import function
    Moving in without the hassle.

Frequently asked questions

    • How much does Chamaileon APP plan cost after all?

      We customize our plans to fit your requirements while maintaining top-tier product and service quality. Each subscription comes with tailored onboarding and training, email design system setup, 24/7/365 support, and regular check-in calls. Annual subscription fees typically start from $5k with no hidden costs.

    • Are there any discounts on those already cheap prices?

      Yes! We offer 25% off for a decent case study. Also there is 25% off for social-impact non-profits.

    • What are the details of the 25% OFF for a case-study discount?

      We give an extra 25% discount - on top of any other negotiated discount - for new customers who give feedback in the form of a case study video interview within 3 months of their subscription started.

    • Are there any limitations I should know about regarding storage, emails, projects, exports, test-emails?

      Chamaileon's goal is to enable you to work on email campaigns/email designs without the hassle. Limiting any of these would mean some friction in your efficient email creation workflow - so we don't limit these. When we perceive unusual activity or your account grows exceptionally big we might contact you and talk about your needs.

    • Can I integrate Chamaileon with other applications (ESP, CRM, MAP, etc)?

      Yes. Chamaileon has built-in integrations with Email Service Providers such as Marketo, Mailchimp or Iterable. Full list here. You can also sync any marketing tool with Chamaileon using our Zapier integration. Also, we have an API that can be connected with any custom application (and you can also ask us to develop that connection).

    • Can I restore my deleted account data after trial/subscription ends?

      Chamaileon is GDPR compliant. That means that when you choose to delete your account, we cannot store your data anymore (i.e. your email designs). If you want us to store all your previous designs before deleting your account, contact our team.

    • What do you mean by team? How many users are in a plan?

      Users refers to the owner and the users who are invited to your workspace. Each user takes up one user slot (seat). The more seats you have, the more users you can add to your workspace.All plans include as many seats you need for your team and you can add more extra users anytime. External viewers, test-email recipients, etc. are not counting towards the seat number you paying for.

    • Do you have a complete list of features and their specifics?

      Sure, check out this page: Chamaileon features

    • What payment methods can I use?

      You can sign up for Chamaileon via Visa, Mastercard, Amex, and Paypal. If you use a different payment solution, contact our team. Payments are provided by Braintree, a PayPal company.

    • What currencies do you accept?

      All pricing plans displayed or not are in US dollars. However, we also accept other currencies, such as EUR, AUD, GBP, and CAD.

    • When will I be billed? Will my subscription auto-renew?

      The day you start a paid plan is the day you are billed every following month or year. Contact us if you prefer a custom plan.

    • Can I get an invoice?

      Absolutely. Thanks to our automatic billing software, you will receive an invoice that matches your country’s tax requirements. You can find and download your PDF invoice inside your workspace.

    • Can I change my billing information?

      Certainly. The owner of the workspace can access and edit the billing information anytime. Workspace ownership can given to another member also.

We are always happy to help. Have questions? Get in touch!