No-code email template builder for Sendgrid

Design better emails using advanced features made easy, no coding needed. Email design platform adapted to your team’s needs.

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Create mobile-responsive email design.

Build beautiful email templates & connect them to Sendgrid

It’ll be like you never left Sendgrid. Easy integration and excellent customer support.

Email Creation Heaven without hassle
  • iconicon
    Flexible WYSIWYG email builder: when it comes to designing emails with Chamaileon, the sky is your limit.
    Connect Chamaileon to your Sendgrid with our pre-set integration. It’s easy, quick, and seamless.
  • SEND
    Log in to your Sendgrid account, you’ll find your email design waiting for you.

Try our awesome suite of features

Create stunning email designs with your team

Flexible & intuitive drag and drop email builder

Build on-brand email designs in a flash with our intuitive drag and drop builder.

Customize every aspect of your email templates.

Multi-column nesting: Add as many columns as needed.

Add image backgrounds for any element: email, row, CTA.

Create mobile-responsive email design.

Perfect HTML email quality: No coding needed

You won’t need to worry about HTML code: our 7+ year email code generator automatically produces perfect HTML, tested, and verified in Litmus and Email On Acid.
You and your team won’t need to bother with editing HTML modules. We got it covered.

Super-fast email creation workflow.

Design, save, and reuse email blocks

Cut down on time-consuming and repetitive email designs with the save and reuse feature. Create email modules, save them under specific folders and reuse them in any email design you want.

Create mobile-responsive email design.

Invite team members to your virtual workspace

Invite as many members to your workspace, and assign them specific roles and restrictions. Control what they can see and do in your workspace. You can even limit their access to certain folders only.

Create mobile-responsive email design.

Design emails as a team, simultaneously

Design email templates with other members, at the same time. See changes as they are being made live.

Create mobile-responsive email design.

Review & comment on email designs, inside Chamaileon

Review email designs without needing to access your account. Leave comments and request changes. Approve final designs all in one place.

Create mobile-responsive email design.

Scalable workspace & image gallery

Save your email digital assets and brand images in folders and share them with the rest of your team.

Keep your email digital assets organized in different folders and sub-folders
I could get rid of HTML editing and increase my productivity by 70%. Now I can easily create 10+ email templates per day!
Customer Profile Picture
Noel Cheung
Multinational Fashion Brand

Seamless integration with

Acoustic, Sendy, SendGrid, Campaign Monitor, Oracle, Salesforce...

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Book a demo to see Chamaileon in action

10x the efficiency of your email production

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Roland Profile picture
Roland Pokornyik
CEO & Co-founder @ Chamaileon