Women in Email Marketing That You Need to Follow

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is #EachForEqual. The world is uniting on March 8th to celebrate gender equality and say no to stereotypes and social norms.

As a way to participate in the discussion, we chose to celebrate 10 Female influencers that shape the email marketing industry every day.

If you type in Google “Email marketing influencers” and look at the first 10 search results, you will find that women represent only 30% of all influencers mentioned in all of the lists, combined.

That’s why we wanted to create a women in email marketing list in an attempt to tip the scales and create a more gender-balanced SERP.

Kristin Bond

Kristin has been working in email for over 12 years. She is currently the Director of Email Operations at Girl Scouts of the USA; and the co-founder and board member of Women Of Email.

Kristin is a speaker at email marketing conferences and events. She also manages her own website all about email: emailsnarketing.com. Email Snarketing was created to “call out bad email practices” in terms of strategy and design aiming to help email marketers improve their workflows and practices.

Kristin is an advocate for email marketing and she embraces her mission to clear the bad rep email marketing gets. She says:

“I’m tired of my industry being referred to as spam. Email is more personal than other forms of marketing, and the possibilities for customization and targeted content are endless.”

In her blog, she shares gold nuggets of advice and expert guidance related to email marketing and email design. But she also shares more personal content. By visiting Kristin’s blog, you can learn how she deals with public speaking as an introvert and check out her selection of the best April Fool’s emails.

Bond even wrote a blog post titled: The problem with the 20 best email marketers ever. I enjoyed her take on the subject, and her words made me think twice before attempting to write this blog post. Even though her last post dates back to two years ago, I still think it’s a great resource for email marketers of all genders, but particularly us ladies, as it gives us a raw view from a fellow email geek, and feels like a personal conversation with a colleague or a friend.

👉 You can follow Kristin on  Twitter.

Charma Parker

Charma is a seasoned marketer with over ten years of experience in various channels, but mainly in email marketing. She is a board member of Women of Email, and a speaker at multiple events and email marketing conferences.

Charma’s previous experiences include her role as the Audience Marketing Manager at the Home Depot, where she evolved from her previous position as CRM Strategy Manaer;

These professional experiences, along with the ones we didn’t include in this blog post, have made Charma an expert in customer-centric (email) marketing.

👉 You can follow her on Twitter.

Samar Owais

Samar is an email conversion strategist and copywriter. In her personal blog, Samar does an excellent job at pinpointing the common struggle of all email marketers: not being able to convert through email.

The good news, Samar says, is that she can help boost these conversions. Through a set of skills acquired over many years of hands-on experience, Samar offers her expertise to “turn subscribers into buyers” for all kinds of businesses, from Saas to eCommerce.

Samar combines the elegant art of copywriting and a data-focused approach that we can all learn from.

👉 You can follow Samar on Twitter.

Alice Li

Alice has worked in major companies that you’ve definitely heard of: Litmus, Shutterstock, Oracle Marketing, and is currently occupying the role of Staff engineer at Squarespace.

This is a clear indication of her level of expertise, specifically in email marketing. In fact, she’s a front-end web developer, with over 10 years of experience in email marketing.

But not only is she passionate about tech, but she is also a gifted blogger, often sharing her excellent resources on Medium. Alice has won multiple awards, including “Most Innovative” from Validity’s Email Hero Awards and EEC’s Stefan Pollard Email Marketer of the Year Award.

👉 You can follow Alice on Twitter.

Kait Creamer

Kait is an artist, but she wouldn’t have called herself that before starting her project “100 Portraits in 150 Days”.

When I started researching women working in email, I wanted to find inspiring ladies that are shaping our industry in their own way. And besides her proven record as a top digital marketer and international speaker, Kait is showing us that we can balance different aspects of our personalities. Just because we love email marketing and consider ourselves #emailgeeks, it doesn’t mean that it’s the only thing we can be passionate about.
In her personal blog: wanderingkait.com, She shares the different aspects of her life as a marketer and as an artist. She writes about “Things [Her] Friends Have Taught [Her]”, but also about “How to build better emails faster”.

👉 You can find Kait on Twitter.

Jeanne Jennings

Jeanne is an email marketing strategy consultant, trainer, and speaker. She has over 20 years of experience in email marketing, having started her career as the head of email product development in one of the largest B2B publishers in the US.

Jeanne works as an email marketing consultant with big names like PayPal, Verizon, and WeightWatchers. She is also a speaker and an email marketing trainer. She is currently busy helping growing businesses to become more effective and profitable online.

You can get some priceless email marketing advice from her personal website; jeannejennings.com or follow her on Twitter @jeajen.

Jaina Mistry

Jaina Mistry is an experienced email marketer that fell into her specialty by chance. She first started her professional career as a web designer and developer. But ever since she discovered the email marketing industry in 2007, she hasn’t turned back.

Passionate about everything email, Jaina specializes in email design and dev, but also dabbles in campaign planning and reporting.

Jaina is currently busy with her new role as Senior Manager of Email Marketing at Litmus. But she still finds the time to maintain her second passion: Photography.

👉 You can follow Jaina on Twitter.

Kate Barrett

Kate Barrett is the founder of eFocus Marketing, providing specialist email marketing consultancy, management, and training services to companies around the world.

With a proven track record and well over a decade’s experience in the email marketing arena, Kate’s expertise and passion has helped a large range of companies develop comprehensive strategies to target subscribers with the right message, sent to the right person, at the right time, as well as implement, manage and optimize those campaigns and solve complex email marketing issues including deliverability challenges.

Some of the companies she has worked with/trained include Nissan, Marks & Spencer, Argos, and Adidas, among many others.

Kate has been an elected member of the DMA Email Council for 3 years, regularly speaking at events around the world, blogging, and is a contributor to Smart Insights and a trainer for the IDM. Kate is also the author of the book ‘E-telligence: Email Marketing Isn’t Dead, The Way You’re Using It Is’ (Published January 2019).

👉 You can follow her on LinkedIn.

Jenna Tiffany

Jenna Tiffany is the founder and strategic director at Let’s Talk Strategy, a marketing agency that helps companies set in place digital marketing strategies.

Jenna has acquired over 10 years in B2B and B2C marketing and is a registered Charted Marketer, a fellow of the IDM, and a member of the DMA Email Marketing Council among other influential roles.

She is a sought-after speaker and jury member in different events and conferences. Jenna spoke about Digital Marketing Strategies at over 30 marketing events across Europe. And has consulted with big names like Shell and Hilton Worldwide.

👉 You can follow Jenna on Twitter @jennatiffany.

Shani Nestingen

Shani is the lead product designer and developer of Email at Target. Her professional experience of over 15 years started in web design and dev but has since evolved with a focus on email marketing.

Shani often speaks in conferences in the email marketing industry about various topics, from email tech to titles in the email industry to the challenges of diversity and inclusion in email marketing communications.

👉 You can follow Shani on Twitter.

Karen Talavera

Karen is the founder and president of Synchronicity Marketing, a data-driven digital marketing consultancy agency. Karen has over 20 years of digital marketing experience. She is a board member of the Email Experience Council of the DMA. When she founded Synchronicity Marketing, Karen’s goal was to help clients maximize their email marketing results from marketing channels to increase their online visibility, improve the quality of their leads and generate more revenue.

She is a speaker, consultant, and trainer. In fact, she held certifications programs through MakretingProfs, ANA (the Association of National Advertisers), and the DMA, where she was a board member.

👉 You can follow Karen on @SyncMarketing.

Kath Pay

As the Founder and CEO of Holistic Email Marketing, Kath devotes her time to developing customer-centric eCommerce journeys using a holistic, multi-channel approach.

A renowned international speaker, Kath is recognized as one of the UK’s leading Email Marketers. Kath is well known in the email marketing industry around the world and is famous for her conversion-driven approach.

She has taught the IDM Email Marketing Award, Econsultancy Email Courses as well as courses for B2B Marketing, Emarketeers, Digital Doughnut, and the MSc in Digital Marketing Communications which is accredited by the Manchester Metropolitan University.

She worked with big brands like eBay, Tommy Hilfiger, Expedia, Adobe, Facebook, and so many more. Kath is also a highly requested speaker, having spoken in dozens and dozens of conferences.

👉 You can follow Kath on Twitter.

April Mullen

April is the co-founders and board member of Women Of Email, a professional organization aiming at promoting leadership among women in the email marketing niche.

She is currently the Director of Strategic Insights and Evangelism at SparkPost. With a combined experience of 13 years in digital marketing, April occupies the role of Adjunct Professor of Digital Marketing at the University of Missouri St. Louis and has helped immensely in shaping the curriculum and adapting to the ever-changing market. April is a speaker and a writer, having been published with over 50 articles on MediaPost’s Email Insider. Mullen was named to DMNews’ 40 Under 40 list in 2018 and DMNews’ 2019 Marketing Hall of Femme Women to Watch list.

👉 You can follow April on LinkedIn here.

Jennifer Samples

Jennifer is an experienced digital marketer who developed a method called 4Es (Exposure, Engagement, Experience, and Efficiency) while working with her clients. She is the founder of the Gateway Interactive Marketing Association and the author of “Get SaaS-y: Top Tips from Women in Tech to Boost Your Career and Change Your Life. Samples has recently accepted a new position as the Managing Director at Octopost, a B2B social media management platform.

👉 You can follow Jennifer on LinkedIn.

Val Geisler

Val is the CEO at Fix My Churn and email & digital strategist at Valgeilser.com. She is an expert at helping companies increase their conversion and retention rates using well-thought-out email sequences. She captures the perfect balance between being analytical and creative, a skill that many marketers aspire to develop.

Val is the queen of email copywriting. Her blog is structured into 4 main sections: Copywriting, customer experience, email marketing, and teardowns. She shares her views on different brand onboarding email sequences, called “Email Onboarding Tear Downs”. Val is truly great with words, so if you are looking for witty tweets from a copywriting expert, you should definitely check her out.

Women Of Email

I am sure that you noticed throughout this article a certain association mentioned multiple times. Women Of Email is a professional network of over 4000 women in email marketing. This network aims at promoting leadership among women in the email marketing niche.

Women Of Email was created after noticing a lack of female representation in email marketing conferences and events, particularly among speakers and panelists, despite the overall gender balance in the email marketing industry.

WOE introduced the Women Of Email Speakers Bureau that helps event organizers reach out to female email experts (thought leaders).

How WOE Helps Women in Email

When I first joined Women Of Email’s Facebook group, I had almost no expectations. But as I watched how the women-only group members interacted with and helped each other, I couldn’t help but feel like I was witnessing something bigger than me.

I observed women who have never met before empower and support each other. Members would share personal anecdotes related to email, challenges they are facing in their workplaces, and seek out advice on how to manage different situations. Comments and reactions would start pouring in and conversations ignite.

There are hundreds of posts and comments every day about everything women in email have to deal with: decision making, email best practices, email design inspiration, etc.

This community is helping women regain confidence in their competencies, and not be afraid to go after that position they were hesitant about, or ask for that raise, or stand up for their opinion, or simply vent after a long day at work or share a cool email they stumbled upon.

A large part of this blog post was made possible with the help of the WOE community, who referenced me to the amazing ladies featured above.

Hollie Yolden’s post about Gender Diversity at Email Conferences was also created after collecting valuable input from WOE’s community members and founders.

Wrapping Up

This post was quite challenging for me to put together simply because there are so many incredible and fearless women in email marketing, who are shaping the industry every day. Jennifer Cannon, Justine Jordan, Jenn Clauss, Jen Capstraw, and so many other ladies worth following. You can check out this awesome post by Drift where they feature 29 changemakers who are shaking up the marketing world. And let us in the comments below who your favorite email marketer is.