Email Production Process

Is your email marketing production process optimized?

Planning and putting in place an effective email marketing campaign is not a one-person job.

And when there is more than one person involved, things tend to get a bit messy.

That’s why you need to read up on the best email marketing production processes that will help you and your email production team optimize your efforts.

Improve your email development workflow and streamline your marketing efforts.

The steps to planning and creating a successful email marketing campaign are clear and straightforward.

Email Marketing Strategy: setting up your email campaign goals
Creatin a timeline (setting deadlines) and dispatching job descriptions for each member of the email marketing team
Content Creation (email copywriting)
Email Design (building email templates)
Quality Assurance and Email Testing
Approval and Sending
Post Sending Review and Monitoring Email Metrics

Read up on how you can follow these steps to improve the efficiency of your email production team.

Benchmark on other email marketing teams, and learn from them to streamline your email production process.

Discover what the best email marketing tools that increase efficiency are.

And much more.