Best apology emails you can learn from

Mistakes happen even to the best of us – and apology emails are the answer. With the busy daily lives and workload, you might forget to check on something, add a picture or text, put a wrong link to your email, or just simply miss out on some important details. Nobody’s perfect, everyone fails from time to time, but you gain some valuable lessons and learn from these types of situations in return.

When it comes to email marketing, mistakes might result in client loss, increased dissatisfaction, or income decrease. Although the reaction to your mistake might differ depending on how serious it is, there is a solution to sort it out. Preparing an email marketing strategy and sending apology emails is an excellent way to solve the problem.

Keep reading to learn how to fix your email marketing issues by sending an apology email to your clients.

What is an apology email?

An apology email is a follow-up email that you send after realizing you have made a mistake. By sending the apology message, you increase your chances of getting your uncomfortable situation fixed in no time. It will also boost your probability of keeping a healthy business-customer relationship and making it up to them.

Mistakes might vary greatly. It can be something small such as forgetting to include the attachment or something big such as sending a draft of an email that is not fully complete. Whether the errors are big or small, they can still impact your brand and its reputation, so it is crucial to address the problem as soon as you see it, correct it and apologize to avoid any further escalation.

Common types of mistakes

Although email marketing mistakes can happen from time to time, the end goal is to figure out the best way to deal with them. To give you some guidance and ensure that you are fully aware of the most common mistakes, we are presenting the list of errors:

  • Incorrect information
  • Technical issues
  • Broken links
  • Expired deals
  • Poor quality of the product
  • Bad service
  • Misleading subject line
  • Incorrect order
  • Accidental sends
  • Late delivery

Read more | 4 Email marketing fails that you can learn from

The mistakes can also be categorized into three types:

Minor issues

These are some slight imperfections that will not hurt the customer or the brand. These types of errors might not even require an apology email; however, some actions need to be considered to prevent the same issues from happening in the future.

Uncomfortable errors

These are the mistakes that impact client experience and satisfaction but can easily be fixed (things like technical errors and difficulties).

Damaging mistakes

These types of errors can actually impact a business’s revenue and reputation. They can also cause long-term harm to the clients. This category can also include real problems as they might impact the organization in the same way.

Once you’ve evaluated how serious your mistake is, it is time to craft the best apology email to restore your good name!

Writing an apology email

Writing an apology might look hard at first, but once you craft it and have some templates ready, it will become easier to tackle similar issues in the future (although we hope you have as few of them as possible).

Firstly, to start the apology email, you should cover the following aspects:

  1. Let your clients know what the problem is. Clearly identify it and admit that you were wrong.
  2. Apologize by telling them how sorry you are, reassure your customers that you are doing everything you can to fix the error.
  3. Calm your clients by assuring them that the issue will never happen again. Present a plan of action you are about to take.
  4. Give your customers the ability to communicate, ask them for feedback and try to find out how they feel about the problem and how it has affected them.
  5. Encourage your customers and give a great reason to forgive you (introduce a special deal, discount, etc.).

To help you even further, we have some more tips you should consider when apologizing to your clients via email:

  • Being honest might be hard sometimes, but your clients would appreciate the truth. Instead of trying to cover your mistakes, be truthful about the situation.
  • Stay on-brand with a personal touch – your clients would be more appreciative of your message. It should be friendly and look like it is coming from a real person. Put some effort into giving a sense of real-life communication to strengthen your relationships. Also, email personalization could be really effective here and provide great help when tackling an apology email.
  • Be quick and efficient with your apology email. Once you spot the mistake, follow up with an apology message as soon as possible to reduce the confusion of your customers.
  • Stay positive even though the mistake happened. If the error was not major, you can apologize in a few sentences and move to a more positive side by sharing exciting news or special offers to cover the problem.

To deal with the apologies even faster, a great marketing tool is necessary. You can design your favorite apology emails in Chamaileon and easily send them in Sender in no time by simply clicking a few buttons. Your customers will be reached in minutes, and a disaster will be avoided!

Read more | Prevent making mistakes in your email by testing! Discover our complete guide to email testing.

Examples of apology emails

Since you are now fully aware of tips and tricks on how to write the best apology email, let’s look at how other brands put it into practice.

Out of stock apology email

The final count before they’re all gone!


We Apologize! We ran out of Wolffer!


System error apology email

Friend, We Apologize


Incorrect email/spam apology

Oops! We made a mistake.


Email by Mistake


Wrong link in email apology

Exclusive: Get 30% off for every friend you refer – Ooops!


Want a Birthday Treat? (Form Now Working – Our Apologies!).


Wrong offer apology email

Sorry… it’s 50% off + free shipping = Summer Sale


Wrap up: Your apology email

Apology emails are a great way to inform your customers of what happened, so prepare some templates in advance. Then, in the case of an issue, you will be able to quickly edit and send it off to your clients to avoid any misunderstanding and reduce inconvenience.

Whenever mistakes happen in your email marketing, do not hide in the shadow. Instead, be brave and admit the fault. Explain to your clients what is happening and ensure them that you are on your way to fixing the problem. To cover it all, you might want to offer a little treat as an apology for the further growth of your relationship.

We have provided you with some tips and practices on how to write the apology email and gave some real-life examples of other brands, so you were able to see how they handle the apologies. So by now, you should be fully ready, confident, and prepared to tackle the issues arising without hurting your business.