Release notes

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Here we will post the changes regarding our plugins and our SDK.

Firefox loading issue and language packs - 2024-02-07 14:00


  • Added ES language pack
  • Added IT language pack
  • Updated FR language pack
  • Solved Firefox loading issue


  • Added ES language pack
  • Added IT language pack
  • Solved Firefox loading issue


  • Added ES language pack
  • Added IT language pack
  • Solved Firefox loading issue

Variable Editor

  • Added ES language pack
  • Added IT language pack
  • Solved Firefox loading issue

HTML import

  • Solved Firefox loading issue


  • Solved Firefox loading issue

Plugins (SDK package)

  • Released ver. 1.1.3 that solves the firefox loading issue

Fixes in editor - 2023-12-05 15:00


  • Improved color picker invalid color filter and fixed the toggle between transparent and normal colors
  • Improved horizontal spacing and scroll on the canvas

Changes in editor and gallery - 2023-11-10 10:00


  • Added inlineHeader to buttons config option. This can hide the save, undo, redo and zoom options and change their hover title if needed. Reference
  • Updated Slovenian language file with Pull Request changes. Reference


  • Updated Slovenian language file with Pull Request changes. Reference